
Architecture and Interior Design with a human-centered approach

Daiane Paolieri

Architect and interior designer

For as long as I can remember, I've always dreamed of being an architect, and at the age of 17, I began pursuing that dream by studying Interior Design. It was there that I confirmed my passion and professional purpose. I realized how much I loved this field - architecture, design, colors, photography - but, most importantly, fulfilling dreams and infusing soul into my projects.

After graduating in design, I completed my degree in Architecture and Urbanism, enabling me to work comprehensively and holistically in the projects I undertake. I gained valuable experience working in renowned firms specializing in residential and commercial architecture.

Upon moving to Switzerland, I discovered Neuroarchitecture as a guiding principle for my work. This field aims to bring scientifically proven experiences to project users, allowing me to have a closer and more human approach to each client. It transforms our interaction and work into a unique experience, creating projects with soul and translating the dreams and life stories of my clients. sonhos e histórias de vida de cada de meus clientes.


My professional purpose is to enhance people's quality of life through architecture, creating projects with identity and soul. I believe that each person is unique and deserves personalized attention.